The Little Cat Series Jing Yuan figure from Honkai: Star Rail brings the Cloud Knight General to life in a playful, feline-inspired design. This pre-painted PVC and ABS figure comes with a dedicated base and an adorable background panel featuring cat-themed illustrations. Jing Yuan, depicted holding a tricolor cat, captures his gentle yet authoritative nature. The figure’s red hair tie and shoulder strap are accented with pearlescent paint, while metallic finishes add texture to the details. A soft-touch coating enhances the feel of the legs, making this a charming collectible for any Honkai: Star Rail fan.
Figure Deposit: RM50
Figure Balance Payment: RM255
Figure Full Price: RM305
Pre-Order Bonus: Exclusive Badge (Ships with the figure)
Figure Estimated Dimensional Weight: 3kg
Purchase Notice:
1. Items marked as “Deposit” do not represent the full price of the product.
2. Deposits are non-refundable after purchase.
3. This deposit does not include a physical item, and the order will be automatically marked as fulfilled after payment.
4. Prior to the figure’s estimated shipping date, an email will be sent to notify buyers about the balance payment.
5. Please provide a frequently used email. If an invalid or infrequently checked email is provided and the buyer cannot be contacted to complete the balance payment within the specified time, we hold no responsibility.
6. The primary currency for products is MYR. Transactions in other currencies may be affected by exchange rates. Please check the current exchange rate with your bank before making a purchase.
7. The figure price does not include shipping. Shipping fees will be calculated based on the dimensional weight when the balance payment is due. The larger the box, the higher the shipping cost. Please be aware of this before placing your order.